From the Executive Director
2021-22 was another challenging year – an ongoing pandemic, governments still grappling with meeting the needs of citizens and businesses in a digital first world, and the yet to be determined next new normal, necessitated that the ICCS become even more agile and flexible in meeting shifting needs and requirements.
Our team worked closely with the Board of Directors and the Joint Councils members to identify priorities and deliver services and products, which were set out in our new strategic business plan, aimed at supporting public sector organizations across Canada and around the world in the pursuit of citizen-focused service excellence.
This year, we reached a significant milestone in our Learning and Certification programs; I am proud to share with you that we surpassed one-thousand Certified Service Professionals (CSPs) and Certified Service Managers (CSMs) across the Canadian public sector. This is an important achievement – reflecting the level of commitment and investment that governments across Canada have made in their employees to provide exceptional public sector service delivery. Our CSPs and CSMs ensure that citizens have consistent, and standardized citizen-centric service experiences. I encourage you to discover our newly launched eLearning modules and virtual workshops that support ICCS’ mandate of helping to professionalize public sector service delivery through focused, interactive, and self-directed modules that meet the learning needs of today’s public servant.
Our series of world class citizen-satisfaction studies was augmented with the ninth iteration of Citizens First 2020, which was completed and released in July 2021; this study reflects ICCS’ innovative approach to citizen-satisfaction surveys by modernizing how the study was conducted. It provides insights on how Canadians viewed government performance during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the fact that the survey was implemented in four separate waves helped to track shifting attitudes and better identify emerging trends. In the second year of ongoing challenges of the pandemic, we forged ahead and laid the groundwork for the seventh iteration of Business First study which will focus on the ongoing COVID-19 situation and the resulting challenges faced by Canadian businesses accessing government services. Business First 2022 is expected to be released in the summer of 2022.
Our innovative approach to citizen-satisfaction research and analytics was further enhanced through our partnership with PigeonLine, who specializes in research-AI; through our collaborative efforts, we continued to improve our Citizen First (CF) Analytics service, which is a suite of digital client satisfaction measurement and benchmarking services. We also delivered sessions on the use of the CF Analytics service that were directed at both general and targeted audiences. The hands-on nature of the workshops contributed to increased interest in the service and resulted in ongoing discussions with various jurisdictions. We are optimistic that several new clients will begin using our CF Analytics service in the coming months.
The ICCS continued to provide the Joint Councils, which comprises the Public Sector Service Delivery Council (PSSDC) and the Public Sector Chief Information Officer Council (PSCIOC) members and working groups with essential secretariat, administration, project and financial management services that led to numerous Pan-Canadian service improvement priorities including: Pan Canadian Digital Identity program (Jurisdictional Experts on Digital Identity); the Data Driven Intelligence Working Group report on “Insights into the Public’s Acceptance of Government Use of Data”, the Analytics Playbook Digital Edition; and the Service Maturity Model Learning Module. The ICCS team remains committed and ready to meet the needs and objectives of the Joint Councils and looks forward to exploring opportunities to further advance this unique and highly valued relationship with the Joint Councils.
Our Citizen First brand, powered by the Institute for Citizen-Centred Service, continued its presence through social media and the guest speaker webinar series. We set the groundwork to further enhance the public facing website for an improved user experience – we will continually improve our digital presence and ensure that we always remain ‘outside-in’ when designing and delivering our services to members and clients.
I want to congratulate Richard Dalpé as the 2021 Heintzman Leadership Award winner in recognition of his substantial contribution to the promotion of, and commitment to citizen-centred service delivery in Canada. Congratulations Richard.
Finally, I would like to thank the incredible Board of Directors who guide and direct the ICCS – their expertise, insights and advice are essential in safeguarding this important Institute. Notably, I would like to express my immense gratitude to our President and Treasurer – you both have helped me shape this organization ensuring that it remains as relevant and impactful as ever in championing the never-ending pursuit of being citizen-centric.
—Dan Batista, Executive Director, ICCS