Upcoming 2025 ICCS workshops

Organizations need to focus on citizen satisfaction and service improvement priorities to truly meet citizens' needs. Learn how in our upcoming and engaging workshops!

The Institute for Citizen-Centred Service (ICCS)

We are a not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving the service delivery experience for citizens when interacting with all levels of government.

Why is citizen-centred service unique?

In a citizen-centred approach, citizen satisfaction becomes the criterion for success, and the basis for results measurement in public sector service delivery.

Citizen-centred explained

Joint Councils

PSSDC and PSCIOC is a unique model of all levels of government working together to improve service delivery. As a neutral Federal, Provincial, Territorial, and Municipal platform for collaboration, we provide support services to the Public Sector Service Delivery Council and the Public Sector Chief Information Officer Council.

Research and Publications

Download the latest research studies to find out how citizens and business view public sector services at all levels of government.

Measure and Benchmark

Measure and benchmark your public sector organization and programs to identify and implement good practices. Use research-supported methodologies to get the competitive advantage needed to improve service delivery of your organization

Learning and Training

Flexible training options on excellent service delivery. Support your team while improving the service delivery experience your organization provides.

Upcoming events

Conferences, workshops and learning events for public servants.