Citizen First Analytics

Easy-to-use online tool to survey citizens – let this tool do the analysis for you and get:

  • precise performance metrics of your service from structured and unstructured data (what they think)
  • feedback and data to understand citizen expectations and levels of satisfaction on their experience
  • quick analysis with the purpose of getting the key drivers to improve service delivery

Easy as 1 - 2 - 3


  • compare results to those of peer organizations across different jurisdictions, industries, service categories and client types
  • identify areas of underperformance

Identify drivers and priorities

  • get specific service dimensions that matter the most to your clients
  • identify key priorities that enables effective planning for service improvement
  • increase client satisfaction in the short and long term

Text Analysis

  • get beyond quantitative data
  • drill down deeper by analyzing textual input
  • identify new and emerging problem areas
  • know the issues affecting specific segments of population