Citizen First Analytics - How it works

STEP A - Upload

After collecting feedback from your clients, you can upload the results to the CF Analytics database in just a couple of easy steps.

You will have the ability to connect your data to the ICCS benchmarking database, or build your own, customized benchmarking database.

STEP B - Analyze

After uploading the data to CF Analytics, you will be able to take advantage of various analytical options allowing you to:

Track your organization’s performance across the customer service journey and to do it for various segments of your client base; identify key drivers and client sentiments, as well as explore new and emerging service issues.

STEP C – Improve

A comprehensive report generated using Citizen First Analytics will identify service gaps, priorities for improvement, and themes suggested via open-ended responses that can then be easily translated into:

Immediate improvements of client experience (short-term) and broader action plans designed to respond to emerging issues, trends and sentiments with the aim of achieving a sustainable increase in client satisfaction levels (medium- and long-term).