Continuous Service Improvement

Ensuring that government services are accessible and easy to use is a must. But how can public servants apply citizen-centric design to improve existing services?

This course will show you how to make existing services more citizen-centric using a four-step process and equip you with the tools and resources you need to assess your services and develop your desired future state. This self-guided course focuses on:

Overview of Service Improvement

  • A look at what service improvement includes, highlighting different approaches to improvements that can be used by organization

Step-by-Step Guide to Service Improvement Planning and Implementation (SIPI)

  • A detailed walkthrough of all four stages of the SIPI processes which is applied to a hypothetical case study

How to Develop an Improvement Plan

  • How to apply SIPI method to your own improvement initiatives

Upon completion, learners can expect to:

  1. Develop an understanding of what is required for successfully implementing Continuous Service Improvement.
  2. Learn about different types of improvement models
  3. Develop a complete understanding of the Citizen First Service Improvement Planning and Implementation (SIPI) model, and how to use it.
  4. Develop an understanding of how service improvement differs from service transformation.

Continuous Service Improvement

Ensuring that government services are accessible and easy to use is a must. But how can public servants apply citizen-centric design to improve existing services? Learn how to make existing services more citizen-centric using a four-step process and equip you with the tools and resources you need to assess your services and develop your desired future state. *All refunds subject to a 3% administrative fee